Alcoholism and depression are interrelated conditions that require treatment. Some individuals who are suffering from depression resort to heavily using alcohol to numb their pain. On the other hand, individuals who are suffering from alcohol use disorder are also prone to experience depression as a side effect.
It is important for anyone who experiences alcohol use dysfunction to treat co-occurring mental disorders to fully recover. It is best to talk to a professional to be assessed and treated correctly for conditions such as this.
Defining Alcoholism
There is a huge difference between a person who is abusing alcohol and a person who is addicted to alcohol. Abusing alcohol could be engaging in binge drinking or consuming alcohol beyond their normal capacity. This could be practiced occasionally or as a means to get through a temporary struggle.
On the contrary, alcoholism is when a person loses control towards alcohol intake and feels extremely uneasy without a touch of alcohol in their system. Alcoholism, also known as Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), is a mental health disorder where the substance manipulates the normal function of the brain and puts a person’s life at great risk.
Alcoholism and Depression
Alcoholism as a mental disorder is capable of destroying a person’s physical and mental health as well as behavioral disposition, the key to building good relationships with others and one’s self. One of the most common mental illnesses that coexist with alcoholism is depression, a state of extreme loneliness that is likely to trigger suicidal acts or self-harm.
Alcohol abuse has commonly become the usual response to depression and this is extremely dangerous. Self-medicating depression by excessively drinking only worsens the situation. If you or anyone you know is suffering from depression, professional treatment is necessary to emotionally heal the person and make them live long-term in a positive light.
To Identify a person with depression, they must show signs of a depressive state daily and consistently for two weeks. The signs include heightened feelings of sadness, irritability, and frustration. This can manifest through a sudden disengagement and lack of interest in things that used to matter. The lack of self-worth is also clearly shown.
Other physical manifestations of depression include insomnia, extreme changes in appetite, and headaches or digestive problems that have no significant cause. The most prominent sign would be tendencies of self-harm or attempts to commit suicide. These conditions must not be overlooked or neglected but instead be treated with support and understanding.
How Long Will Alcohol-Induced Depression Last?
There is no definite time frame for when a person will get off from alcohol-induced depression. It varies for several factors like genetics, behavior, surrounding, and if that person enrolls in an alcohol rehab center.
Generally, several pieces of research have seen improvements when the person abstains from alcohol drinking for 3 to 4 weeks. Also, a more significant improvement was seen for those who availed formal treatment from a rehab facility.
Treatment for Alcoholism and Depression
The nature of this dual disorder experienced by a person tends to magnify the symptoms caused by either alcoholism or depression. For this reason, the consideration of an alcohol rehab treatment must include services that are capable of treating depression as well. Leaving anyone untreated will defeat the purpose of rehab in the long run.
The following are the methods you can discuss with your treatment providers once you or anyone you know has been assessed and diagnosed with alcoholism and depression disorder. These are specific therapies that can treat both disorders in the process:
Medically assisted therapy
The withdrawal symptoms of AUD need to be treated with prescribed medications to minimize withdrawal discomfort. Likewise, depression may also entail a prescription of antidepressants that can stabilize brain function for a person to experience a reduced occurrence of mood swings and other symptoms.
The process of detox must be highly supervised by a physician to avoid complications. This is an important phase in rehab as it cleanses the body from the substance and slowly reduces the craving for it. A self-detox is highly susceptible to risks and is proven to be usually unsuccessful.
Cognitive behavioral therapy
This type of therapy trains an individual to cope with difficult emotions and maximize the strength of the mind to combat negative feelings with positive ones. It allows an individual to process the potential factors that trigger alcoholism and/or depression, and identify ways to restrain urges to drink.
Cognitive behavioral therapy allows the person to build realistic standards to attain the goal of living an alcohol-free life. This type of therapy progresses even beyond the timeline of their stay in the rehab. In other words, it can be part of an individual’s aftercare therapy which is essential to prevent a relapse.
Personal therapy
Personal therapy is one-to-one care that involves the patient in evaluating their progress as well as their awareness of their own feelings and actions. It is considered effective as it is a proactive way of allowing the individual to exhibit the strength they have gained in the process of rehab and makes them more reflective about their thoughts and actions.
Other kinds of treatment that focus on training an individual to manage one’s personal life is by engaging in alternative treatment therapies such as yoga, meditation, physical exercises, as well as music, arts, and animal-assisted therapies. The active engagement of the senses to these activities contributes to mental wellness and physical health.
Group therapy
This therapy includes a sharing of experiences among Individuals who are suffering similar conditions of alcoholism with depression. This usually happens twice or thrice a week and is proven to be effective as it allows patients to learn from each other’s experiences and understand individual crises and strengths.
It is also a perfect venue to build friendship and practice trust, openness, and support for others. These are values essential in building relationships and positive connections that greatly contribute to establishing a healthier lifestyle. Group therapies may extend to the aftercare routine and the fellowship can continue up to a lifetime.
How Long Should You Stay in Alcohol Rehab?
It’s also a common question among patients as to how long they need to stay inside the rehab facility for treating their alcohol use disorder. Unfortunately, there’s no straightforward answer for that since it depends on how severe the addiction is, and the patient’s recovery rate.
Normally, there are three duration for alcohol rehab treatment (30-, 60-, and 90-day), and it’s up to the doctor who’s doing your assessment to decide which is the best fit for you. Rest assured, everything will be based on the goal of making you feel better from this disorder.
We understand that you are asking this question because you are anxious about not being with your friends and family for a longer time. Others are concerned with the cost of their treatment since it gets more expensive as their treatment prolongs. Regardless of these things, what you need to look forward to is your holistic recovery and getting back to your healthy life.
Seek Professional Treatment
Given all the options available, treatment is essential in coping with addiction and other mental health conditions. Never self-medicate and never self-diagnose. It will only worsen your condition and delay your progress. It is always best to seek professional treatment to enjoy accurate assessment and medication. Contact an addiction specialist today.