Alcoholism and depression are interrelated conditions that require treatment. Some individuals who are suffering from depression resort to heavily using alcohol to numb their pain. On the other hand, individuals who are suffering from alcohol use disorder are also prone to experience depression as a side effect. It is important for anyone who experiences alcohol …
Would you believe that in 2014, about 120 million hydrocodone prescriptions were reported to be written by doctors in the United States? The next year, about 2 million Americans were known to be addicted to prescribed painkillers? These digits speak a lot about the degree of the “opioid epidemic” among Americans and it is indeed …
You are probably wondering how effective this medicine is in responding to pain. It’s one of the most prescribed medicines in the United States due to its less addictive potential compared to opioid painkillers. However, just like other prescription drugs, this prescription drug is also prone to abuse and misuse. It’s because of the relaxation …
In the U.S. there are around 1.2 million people who are known to abuse hallucinogens, and one of these substances is LSD or acid. These substances can distort your perception of reality and time. That’s why people who are abusing it, are seeing bold colors in the air, or maybe seeing spiritual visions. Similar to …
Have you heard about the severe health consequences when you mix alcohol and painkillers? If not yet, then you need to so that you will avoid mixing your cocktails with any opioid substances. Both your tequila and pain killers are depressants, so both can slow down your brain and body processes. Considering that, can you …
If you are in alcohol recovery, you might be wondering whether it is safe to drink non-alcoholic beer. While you might think that it is a safe choice, it is not advises for you or anyone who’s cutting off alcohol to drink these alcohol-free or “near beer” beverages. You should still be careful because many …
Whether you’re famous or not, the law will always prevail and there’s no special attention for anyone, even for celebrities arrested for driving under the influence. It simply means you need to have the discipline not to put yourself behind the wheels when you’re drunk. Nevertheless, these celebs received fines and legal consequences for their …
Drinking beers, distilled spirits, and liquors is no longer a peculiar thing to most areas in the U.S. and other countries as well. Technically, alcohol drinking is a rising concern in the U.S. since teens are doing it as well. Moreover, the health consequences of this unhealthy habit are the main reason why it must …
Meth, also known as methamphetamine in long, is an incredibly addictive stimulant drug. Once consumed, it specifically targets the Central Nervous System by increasing the overproduction of dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for numerous functions within the brain and body. More specifically, the neurotransmitter is responsible for motivation, reinforcement, pleasure and reward …
Considering the high potency (50-100 times more potent than morphine) of the synthetic opioid fentanyl, it makes it also prone to tolerance and overdose. With that, you need to strictly obey your prescription since overdosing with this prescription drug can lead to respiratory failure and death. In this read, we are going to tackle fentanyl …